
  • Teaching and Learning Journal of Mandalika (Teacher) e- ISSN 2721-9666

    Teaching and Learning Journal of Mandalika (Teacher) focuses on sciences, technology, education, media, teaching and learning. Published twice a year in April and October.


    This journal is a means of scientific publication to develop knowledge and information. This journal specifically contains the results of research carried out in all scientific fields. Apart from publishing research results, this journal also accepts manuscripts from literature reviews and other reports for publication. This journal is published every month since August 2020.

  • Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Cahaya Mandalika (Abdimandalika) e-ISSN 2722-824X

    Jurnal ini memuat khusus tentang Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat baik yang bersekala internasional, nasional, regional, dan lokal. Terbit dua kali setahun yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.

  • Journal Transformation of Mandalika

    Journal Transformation Of Mandalika (JTM) e-ISSN 2745-5882 is a scientific journal that accepts articles for publication in all scientific fields. Published every month since September 2020.

  • Journal of Mandalika Literature

    Sebagai sarana penyebarluasan ilmu pengetahuan dan media komunikasi di kalangan masyarakat ilmiah, profesional, atau akademik. Terbit 4 kali setahun yaitu periode bulan Agustus, November, Februari dan Mei.

  • Journal Sport Science, Health and Tourism of Mandalika (Jontak)

    This journal focuses on the fields of sports, health and tourism. The journal is published twice a year in  Mey and November.

  • Mandalika Law Journal

    Mandalika Law Journal (MLJ) is an international journal founded by Yayasan Baru Haji Samsudin. It has 2 editions per year (May and November). MLJ is an open access, double peer-reviewed electronic journal that aims to offer an international scholarly platform for national and cross-border legal research in government regulations. Published material includes large academic papers that critically discuss various aspects and areas of law as well as short papers such as reviews of recently published books and notes on current legal issues. The aim of the Mandalika Law Journal is to present the highest quality research to the widest possible audience.

    This journal determines the specific topics that will be discussed in each issue which can be analyzed from various legal perspectives as mentioned. However, it does not limit itself to discussing Indonesian Law.

    MLJ accepts submissions from all over the world. All submitted articles must not be published elsewhere, be original and not be considered for another publication (To check for Plagiarism, the MLJ Editorial Board will screen for plagiarism using the Turnitin application program). If indications of plagiarism are found (above 25%), the editorial board will automatically immediately reject the manuscript.

  • Jurnal Ar Ro'is Mandalika (Armada)

    ARMADA is a companion title of the Jurnal Ar Ro'is Mandalika (Armada)ARMADA is an open access, peer-reviewed journal which draws contributions from a wide community of international and interdisciplinary researchers across the field of educational research. We seek contributions that present innovative application of theories, conceptual frameworks and research methodologies, and which inform research, policy and practice beyond the context in which the original work is undertaken.

    The Jurnal Ar Ro'is Mandalika so so-named to reflect our international facing publication portfolio and readership. Contributions do not need to be comparative (in the sense of comparing aspects of education in different countries or cultures) or report research carried out in just one location or cultural setting. However, contributions to the Jurnal Ar Ro'is Mandalika need to be thought-provoking, contribute to the educational research field, and inspire international, interdisciplinary readership. Therefore, contributions must have the following features:

    • Clear communication about the research findings or arguments

    • Critical demonstration of how the literature critically relates to the topic researched

    • Strong theoretical, conceptual or philosophical framing

    • Clearly explained design and analysis, allowing replication of the study in other contexts

    • Critical analysis, recommendations and implications for further research, policy and practice in national and international context

    The journal supports equality, inclusion and diversity in research and education, within our editorial team, and among author and reviewer networks. As part of our commitment to open access and the values of inclusion, the journal encourages, in particular, early career researchers who take a fresh approach to research methodologies to submit their contributions, provided they support the journal's aims and scope.

    Note that we accept well-structured conceptual or theoretical manuscripts. ARMADA will also accept synthesis of evidence, but research must take a systematic approach to the selection and presentation of evidence. we will also use the protocol for work that will be performed in the future, but the data is not yet generated. This will usually be the protocol for randomized controlled trials or quasi-experimental trials, or for synthesis of evidence. We will also look at the protocol for the work being designed.