Revenue dan Model Bisnis Umum E-Commerce

  • Cici Amelia Jurusan Syariah Dan Ekonomi Islam, STAIN Bengkalis
  • Maulidaturrahmah Jurusan Syariah Dan Ekonomi Islam, STAIN Bengkalis
  • Syahrul Ramdani 3Jurusan Syariah Dan Ekonomi Islam, STAIN Bengkalis


E-commerce has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the modern digital economy. E-commerce business models vary and depend on the strategies used to generate revenue. The main strategy for creating revenue involves a combination of product or service sales, membership fees, digital advertising, and affiliate partnerships. A deep understanding of market characteristics, consumer behavior and digital technology is the key to success in optimizing revenue. This article aims to explain various e-commerce business models and how they contribute to revenue strategy, by providing insight into innovation and challenges in this sector. In the digital era, business people must see the potential and opportunities that exist to develop their business. Progress in the digital era makes challenges and competition increasingly sharp in capturing the market. E-commerce is an online transaction system that helps business people interact with customers via the internet. This article is devoted to a conceptual discussion, where the author examines theories collected from various previous studies. After that, a collection of theories will create a new concept formulation, where revenue and general e-commerce business models are in accordance with business theories and information systems. Thus, it is hoped that this article can become a basis for further research, both empirical, descriptive and conceptual studies.

How to Cite
Cici Amelia, Maulidaturrahmah, & Syahrul Ramdani. (2024). Revenue dan Model Bisnis Umum E-Commerce. Journal Transformation of Mandalika, E-ISSN: 2745-5882, P-ISSN: 2962-2956 , 5(12), 683-691. Retrieved from
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