Penerapan Metode RAD dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Perekrutan Karyawan Baru Berbasis Web

  • Chika Purnama Dewi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi


The development of a new employee recruitment information system is a crucial step for companies to ensure their operational efficiency and sustainability. As a company operating in the food industry, PT RBFood Indonesia faces challenges in rapidly and effectively developing an information system to meet its needs. In this context, this research aims to apply the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology in the development of a web-based employee recruitment information system at PT RBFood Indonesia. The RAD steps, starting from requirement planning to system design, are implemented through a qualitative approach using a case study as the design. Data will be collected through observations, interviews, and documentation related to the existing recruitment process. This research is expected to contribute to the understanding and application of the RAD Method in the context of new employee recruitment information system development, as well as provide guidance for other companies facing similar challenges.

How to Cite
Chika Purnama Dewi. (2025). Penerapan Metode RAD dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Perekrutan Karyawan Baru Berbasis Web . Journal Transformation of Mandalika, E-ISSN: 2745-5882, P-ISSN: 2962-2956 , 6(1), 13-20. Retrieved from
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