The motivation behind this study was to decide the type of development for the improvement of the Keje Rami dance, which was concentrated on in light of the idea of examination of the type of movement Y. Sumandoyo Hadi comprising of (1) Solidarity, (2) Variety, (3) Reiteration, (4) Progress (improvement), (5) Series, (6) Correlation, (7) Peak
The exploration strategy utilized in this examination is unmistakable subjective strategy with Perception, Interview, and Documentation Information Assortment Methods.
In light of the consequences of this review, specialists can reason that the Keje Rami dance is a conventional dance that has a set of experiences that created in the Lubuklinggau region. Throughout the entire existence of the Keje Rami dance as a welcome dance in the city of Lubuklinggau, this dance utilizes a tepak containing a betel leaf as a worthy gesture for visitors who come. This dance is generally performed at true occasions and as an indication of inviting authority visitors like visitors from the city organization, celebrations, Lubuklinggau City birthday celebrations. This dance is performed at the kickoff of the occasion and is typically moved by young ladies, however the entertainer of the tepak sirih is Bujang Dere. Research on the specialty of dance, particularly on the Keje Rami Dance which prompts a contribution or welcome dance, is critical to do.