This study aims to analyze how: 1) the effect of tenure on teacher performance, 2) the effect of work motivation on teacher performance, and 3) the effect of tenure and work motivation on teacher performance in Elementary School. This research is ex-post facto which seeks causal relationships, to reveal facts based on measurements of the symptoms that have occurred to each respondent. Sampling in this study is saturated sampling, where all members of the population become the object of research. Total population is 49 people. The data analysis performed was descriptive statistical correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Respondents in this study had years of service between 1 and 38 years. The results of this study are (1) the variable of tenure partially has no significant effect on teacher performance as indicated by the regression coefficient value - 0.002 and a significance value of 0.670. (2) The variable of work motivation partially has a significant effect on teacher performance as indicated by the regression coefficient value of 0.711 and the value with a significance of 0.000. (3) the variables of tenure and work motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on teacher performance as indicated by the value of the coefficient of determination 0.531 and the calculated F value of 26.069 with a significance level of 0.000. The effective resource of tenure and work motivation is 53.1%. Based on these results, the influence of other factors or variables not examined was 46.9%.