This study discusses the Implementation of the Journalistic Code of Ethics in Alternative Media This research has several problem formulations as follows, is it important to have a code of ethics in media and what are the ethical principles that must be followed by the media, especially on Instagram media In this study using a qualitative approach to data collection used in this study is the document analysis technique. Data collection through document analysis techniques was carried out by reading, recording, and collecting data from written data sources. The author uses document analysis in the form of photo screenshots from posts on Instagram. Following are some basic references to journalistic ethics according to Syarifuddin Yunus, (2012: 107-108), namely: Look for resource persons who have the ability. prioritizing sources according to the accuracy of the data, using the correct language, clearly distinguishing between facts and personal opinion, does not contain racism and pornography, does not discriminate and does not hide facts. For the results of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of the journalistic code of ethics on Instagram posts as a whole has fulfilled and implemented the journalistic code of ethics requirements from Syarifuddin Yunus' theory In the last 10 posts, most of the errors were caused by the use of inappropriate language. It is very common to find the use of English in several posts by, this is not in accordance with the journalistic code of ethics according to Syarifuddin Yunus. And respondents consider that the use of a journalistic code of ethics in a particular media in conveying information is very important using a journalistic code of ethics.