The dance work entitled "Tari Sambut Kapo Ilim" is a work inspired by Setabik Dance from Musi Banyuasin. The formation of this dance work is inseparable from the concept of arrangement. The concept of arrangement is a framework that contains parts of the formation of a dance work. The concept of dance provides knowledge and presentation that can help the audience to interpret the purpose of the dance. There are many processes that must be passed so that the concept can be fully realized visually and kinestically. The methods used in the preparation of Sambut Kapo Ilim Dance are exploration, improvisation, evaluation, and formation. After the dance is fully formed, it is then described in written form in an organized and clear manner. The concept of Kapo Ilim welcome dance consists of ideas, titles, themes, movements, dancers, floor patterns, makeup, fashion, properties, dance accompaniment music, stage management, and lighting. Coupled with the process of preparing Kapo Ilim welcome dance based on the dance creation process which includes exploration, improvisation, evaluation, and formation. The results achieved in this writing are that the Kapo Ilim welcome dance as a form of dance work that can be explained from the aspects of the arrangement and the arrangement process is channeled and described clearly and regularly.