Language is an important thing for human in everyday life because human is a social being that used language for communicating with each other. Communication activity cannot be separated from pragmatic of deixis. Deixis word also cannot be separated from reference. This study aimed at finding out the types of deixis and the types of reference used by O Henry in his The Skylight Room story. To fulfill the two aims, this study used two theories, the deixis theory by Levinson (1983) in order to find out the types of deixis and the reference theory by Yule (1983) in order to find out the types of reference appeared in this story. This study was a qualitative research with content analysis as its approach. Moreover, this study used words as its data in the forms of narrations by O Henry the author of the story. The results of this study showed that there are three types of deixis found namely, person deixis, discourse deixis, and place deixis. Person deixis is found in 190 words, discourse deixis in 35 words, and place deixis in 2 words. Furthermore, there are three kinds of reference found there are anaphora, cataphora, and exophora. Anaphora reference occurs in 174 words, cataphora in 18, and exophora in 33 words in this story.