Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Guru Untuk Mendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting
The performance assessment process for teachers at SMK Bina Sarana Cendikia Bandung currently still using Microsoft Excel. However, this application serves solely as a calculation tool without storing teacher data. Additionally, teacher data input is still carried out with the assistance of Excel functions. This results in difficulties in finding teacher data when needed, leading to reduced effectiveness, efficiency, and an increased risk of human error. The use of this application also does not guarantee accurate results. As a solution, it is proposed to develop Performance Assessment System to Support Decision Making. This system applies the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to select teachers with the best performance based on predefined criteria. The development of this system will employ the Waterfall method. Subsequently, testing will be conducted using the Black Box method, resulting in 100% validity. It is expected that this system will assist in processing teacher performance assessment results, determining the best-performing teachers, and providing relevant decisions for teachers.
Copyright (c) 2024 Dede Darsono
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