Spiritualisme dan Pluralisme dalam Masyarakat Modern

  • Aulia Rosa Nasution Magister Hukum Universitas Medan Area
  • Anwar Hulaifi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Spiritualism and pluralism are two different things but are related to one another. In spiritualism, the soul or spirit becomes a supporting medium for the existence of spiritualism by believing in God as the creator of the entire universe which causes the emergence of a relationship between humans and their God. Pluralism prioritizes diversity and differences in various aspects of society's life. This study will highlight the two objects, namely spiritualism and pluralism as a reality in modern and complex societal life. The results of this study show that the role of spiritualism and pluralism can be a solution in resolving conflicts between modern and complex societies by implementing them based on spiritual values ​​which are based on belief in the Almighty God and pluralism values ​​which respect differences in society and at the same time become a filter for various challenges in the life of a pluralistic society.

How to Cite
Aulia Rosa Nasution, & Anwar Hulaifi. (2024). Spiritualisme dan Pluralisme dalam Masyarakat Modern. Journal of Mandalika Literature, 5(3), 385-397. https://doi.org/10.36312/jml.v5i3.3573