Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi Syari’ah dalam Kerja Sama Lahan Pertanian di Desa Susuk Kec.Tigan Derket
Sharia Economic Law is a set of rules and principles based on Islamic Teachings that regulate economic and financial activities in order to ensure the existence of justice,balance and welfare of society as stated by the goals of Islam by avoiding practices such as arriving (interest),gharar(uncertainty),and maysir (speculation/gambling).This research aim to examine the implementation of Sharia Economic Law and analyze the application of Sharia principles in local economic management.The result of the research show that the implementation of shariah economic management with increased economic and social walfare.Villagers.However,this research also identified several challenges including limited public understanding of sharia economics and structural obstacles in fully establishing sharia principles.Based on the findings this research provides recommendations for improving education and training for the community as well as policy support to facilitate a more effective implementation of Sharia Economics in the village.
Copyright (c) 2024 Fahrul Hanafi, Aida Nurhasanah Mh, Irma Yani , Serli lestari, Nur roudoh, Zahra Chairawani, Muhammad ikhsan hardiansah, Fahmi Arrahman, Fadhil Hidayat, Eki perdana putra, Sefti Adelia, Dede Hariyansyah, Putri Rozatun Zannah, Rizki Armando, Aditya Nugraha

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