Digital Transformation In The Context Of Beliefs/Religions Case Study Understanding Irration Towards Rationality In Naksabandiyah Tariqot Followers

  • Nakhma'ussolikhah Nakhma'ussolikhah Bunga Bangsa Islamic University Cirebon
  • Widodo Winarso Sheikh Cyber State Islamic University Nurjati Cirebon
  • Saefuddin Jazuli Cirebon Ministry of Religion
  • Durtam Sayidi Sheikh Cyber State Islamic University Nurjati Cirebon
Keywords: Confidence religious, Communication, Irrational Understanding


This study explore impact digital transformation of confidence religious , with focus on Tariqot Adherent Naksabandiyah . study This explain that confidence religious without understanding Sharia in accordance teachings religion can influence error in pattern behavior in demand rational become irrational . Case study done For understand change understanding irrational become rational in the era of digital transformation . Methodology study use approach qualitative with design studies case , with involve subject study adherent Tariqot in Bango Dua, Indramayu . The data collection process includes: observation , interviews , and documentation , with analysis triangulation source . Study results show that digital transformation plays a role significant in change understanding confidence religious . Adherent Tariqot Naksabandiyah experience journey from understanding irrational going to understanding rational in religious context . Adherent Tariqot Naksabandiyah in this era of digital transformation show change behavior , including in operate religious law , isolation social , temperamental mental condition , adherent Tariqot show ability adapt to development technology and information . Study This contribute to understanding about How digital transformation influences religious beliefs , creating room more understanding rational among Tariqot Adherent Naksabandiyah.
