This Community Partnership Program aims to identify partner problems and provide solutions to them. At the time of identification, it was known that the partner did not fully understand and master marketing techniques, did not know the procedures and procedures for exporting and also did not fully understand the application of science and technology in business. Mitra is classified as a handicraft business actor made of wood and vacant in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Seeing the potential and obstacles possessed by MSME actors above, it is very possible if universities, especially Warmadewa University as an educational institution, contribute to providing solutions to these problems. The solution to this problem is to provide counseling on marketing strategies, export procedures and procedures as well as counseling on science and technology for MSMEs in running a business. The expected output in this activity is in the form of journals and partners who have knowledge in the field of exports, especially regarding export procedures and procedures, can carry out business marketing activities through the website by utilizing technological means. Partners get assistance in the form of a website that will be used as a means to do product marketing.